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Medical Center for Autistic Children

Architecture France

medical center for autistic children

Saint Denis (93) Region parisienne

The project consists of the development of a SESSAD (Special Education and Home Care Service) on the ground floor of an existing building.The project takes into account the specificities of young autistic people (fatigue, difficulty concentrating, low level of autonomy, sensory hypersensitivity), which make them less able to acclimatize to an environment multiplying atmospheres, potentially anxiety-provoking.

The project avoids multiplying sound sources, contributing through acoustic absorbers to shaping a peaceful universe. The treatments and quality of the interior finishes, both simple and robust, contribute to this calming feeling. The new configuration and its isolation from the outside modify the use and reduce energy consumption by more than 50%.


Association de Villepinte



Design team

DE-SO mandataire / SYNAPSE bet fluides / PRCA opc


220 m² GFA

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